Upcoming Deadlines


2017-2018 Limited Administration CAT Testing Schedule

The following is a list of important dates that State only offers at selected period per year. Please follow the schedule.

-Available testing = Available dates to test for exam

-Registration Window = You are only able to register for that specific exam on these dates

-Scores = Your scores will be available by this date


Exam                Available Testing                  Registration Window                    Scores

                             Start   –   End                          Start   –   End


BTLPT                   11/11 – 11/18                       7/24  –  10/27                        12/15/17

ELA 7-12              11/11  –  11/18                      7/24  –  10/27                        12/15/17


BTLPT                   1/6  –  1/13                          9/18/17  –  12/22/17               2/2/18

ELA 7-12              1/6  –  1/13                          9/18/17  –  12/22/17               2/2/18

BTLPT                   2/24  –  3/3                          11/6/17  – 2/9/18                     3/23/18

ELA 7-12              2/24  –  3/3                           11/6/17  –  2/9/18                   3/23/18

BTLPT                   4/14  –  4/21                         12/25/17  – 3/30/18               5/11/18

ELA 7-12              4/14  –  4/21                         12/25/17  –  3/30/18              5/11/18

BTLPT                   6/2  –  6/9                             2/12/18   –   5/18/18               6/29/18

ELA 7-12              6/2  –  6/9                             2/12/18  –  5/18/18                6/29/18

BTLPT                   7/21  –  7/30                         4/2/18  –  7/6/18                     8/21/18

ELA 7-12              7/21  –  7/30                         4/2/18  –  7/6/18                     8/21/18

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